? ??????????????Sky Island? ????? ?? ???Rating: 2.0 (2 Ratings)??0 Grabs Today. 124 Total Grabs. ??????Pre
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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Bus Ride!

So this was a bus ride to the Mukilteo Lighthouse Festival. Adrian got to go see a Seahawks game with Uncle Dallas and so we spent the weekend with Uncle Dallas having lots of fun.

I started the pictures backwards. At first Shamus was sitting next to Uncle Dallas and Terri was in front of them taking the pictures. He was just fine then I wanted to see what he looked like in the seat. He turned around realized that he was not sitting with Mom and Dad, snapped the moment, the he climbed in with us and we got a couple of family pictures the first not so happy but the last one he was finally ok. Plus, I do NOT remember those bus seats being so small! Hello!

I love this shot! It makes me giggle.


Cassidy "Cassy" said...

oooooo your brother in law is sooo dreamy! (LMAO)OH, Shamus!